I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, inventing, and doing, great things.
I don’t endorse. Only disseminate.
The 411: Investment Opportunity - Changing the Perception from Disabled Individual to Self-Sustaining Entrepreneur
Found on: - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/raising-the-bar--9#/
A socially responsible tax return processing service focused on empowering disabled individuals.

RAISING THE BAR is an outsourced tax return processing firm that empowers disabled individuals and assists accounting firms employ in a socially-responsible and diverse way. At RAISING THE BAR we distinguish ourselves by our dedication to the primary mission of empowering our disabled employees and shareholders with the occupational skills and resources necessary to promote and sustain their long term employment as tax return processors with private sector tax accounting employers.
The Drive to Succeed is Personal
David Borsuk is the Chief Inspiration Officer, Founder and President of RAISING THE BAR. David's drive for life is not just to survive but to thrive. His aspiration is to provide a viable disabled individual employment model that enhances the diversity and inclusion within accounting industry firms. David's dad calls him a Thruviver. He is an individual who has dealt with multiple major life obstacles (survived) and continues to want to give back to family and to community (thrive). RAISING THE BAR is an inspired opportunity for David to facilitate and advocate for employment of disabled persons so that they can 'Thruvive' and so accounting industry firms, community colleges, vocational schools and disability employment organizations and other disability employment stakeholders can advance diversity and inclusion, too.
What We Need and Why It's Important
- RAISING THE BAR is seeking $55,000 in initial operations funding. As we become operationally viable we will, in partnership with community colleges and vocational schools, train and then hire disabled individuals as tax return processors. These new careers not only will improve quality of life for RTB employees and their families while reducing reliance on community resources, they also will provide an opportunity for accounting industry firms to increase their diversification in hiring practices.
Do you remember how you felt when you received your first paycheck?
- More than just job training: Individuals who work at RAISING THE BAR will eventually have the opportunity to become not just employees but also shareholders - evolving from what the community sees as a disabled individual, into a self-sustaining entrepreneur - a prideful, contributing member of society. In time, these shareholders will serve as models for new employees and team members.
Do you remember the first thing you bought with your own money?
- Improved hiring practices: RAISING THE BAR will provide professionally-trained individuals for the accounting workforce. We will work with partner firms to ensure that a successful recruitment and placement process takes place with our employees. This process will also enable partner firms to advance their inclusion/diversification hiring program and commitment.
Diversified staffing shows a commitment to social equality and a commitment to improving the local and extended communities. This statement sets participating accounting firms apart from others in their field.
- Strong communities, reduced reliance on resources: RAISING THE BAR supporters will be investing in their communities. By funding this endeavor, supporters are reducing the number of individuals requiring community support and increasing the number of employable consumers in their communities. RTB employees/shareholders reduce their reliance on family resources and attain life-long, transferable life and job skills. Accounting industry firms realize an expanded, skilled labor pool while achieving and realizing the importance of diversification/inclusion - an asset that is not only rewarding, but marketable.
Thank you for your financial and social support. Together, as a community supporting disabled employment, we will continue RAISING THE BAR for disabled individuals and employers.
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