Sunday, May 13, 2018

DonorSee - Video platform to finance world's poorest

How I Serve

I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, inventing, and doing, great things.

I don’t endorse. Only disseminate.

The 411: Making Donations Transparent

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"People want to donate but they don't know how their money is really used after giving to charity. DonorSee makes donating as transparent and direct as possible. 

Our aid workers on the ground post videos and share stories of people in need. Videos are short, personal and easily taken with smartphones. Our donors can watch videos and pick projects to give to so they know exactly how their donation is spent. And, best of all, afterwards they get video updates of their money working!"

Gret Glyer
CEO, DonorSee

Our Ambition
We want to be the platform that people in 100+ countries use to help the poorest with high impact, sustainable projects. 
Key Facts
  • DonorSee has helped people in 50+ countries. 
  • 1,242 projects have been funded through DonorSee. 
  • Raised close to $500,000 in less than 2 years. 


WF: Who are you and what is your company about?

DS: My name is Gret. I launched DonorSee after living in Malawi, Africa for three years as an aid worker. Malawi is one of the poorest countries on the planet, and I spent my time there working to alleviate that poverty. DonorSee is the culmination of everything I learned and worked on while I was overseas. It's a combination of storytelling, poverty alleviation, and connecting people in the first world with people in the developing world. DonorSee helps donors see where their money goes. That doesn't mean they see a spreadsheet; they see the money’s real impact through a video. Let's say you donate $150 to a little girl in India who needs hearing aids. A few days later, you will get a video from India of that girl hearing for the first time. We've had that interaction happen in over 50 countries.

DonorSee works as a two-sided marketplace matching donors with aid workers. We have aid workers living all over the world. They post projects of people like little girls in India who need hearing aids. The donors want to give in a way that's more personal and where they get to see their money making an impact. A lot of our donors are tired of giving money to a charity and just getting a thank you email and then never hearing from the charity again.

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