Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How I Serve

I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, 

innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… 

e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…

for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. 

I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, 

the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, 

aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, 

and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, 

inventing, and doing, great things.

The 411: "The Walking Bike for an Active Life"

Found on: https://www.treehugger.com/walking/alinker-walking-bike-active-life.html

The Alinker is "the walking bike for an active life"

Alinker walking bike
CC BY 2.0 Alinker/ Lloyd Alter
What a cool way to get around if you have trouble walking or cycling.
It's a common complaint in debates about bike lanes that "not everyone can cycle." It's true; a lot of people can't walk long distances, either. That's why the Alinker walking bike is such a brilliant invention. Dutch designer and architect Barbara Alink invented it after her mother complained about walkers and scooters: "Over my dead body will I ever use one of those!" I ran into Barbara at Open Streets in Toronto recently and just fell in love with it.
Barbara with AlinkerBarbara with Alinker/ Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0
Barbara designed it with her mom in mind, but it has a much bigger audience than just people who are aging. There are landmine victims, amputees, people with degenerative diseases -- many different people for whom walking long distances is difficult or painful. And it doesn't look like some medical mobility device.

The Alinker is for everyone who wants to maintain an active life regardless of their movement abilities/disabilities. It is designed to be so cool that it overcomes the uneasiness towards disabilities that is felt by mainstream society. When you are using the Alinker you are the person with that cool bike rather than someone who is overlooked or ignored. The Alinker is challenging assumptions about people with disabilities and is striving to build a more inclusive community.
Alinker in gallery© Alinker lets you get the big picture
My mom (who once owned an adult tricycle) would have loved this. Her canes and then her walker took some of the weight off her bum knee, but with this, she could have kept going to the galleries that she loved. It has bigger wheels than a walker so it can handle typical crappy North American sidewalks better than a walker. It is a lot cheaper and lighter than a motorized scooter and could probably do the job for a lot of people who don't get any exercise in the scooter, but could with this. The main advantages:
  • users sit upright at eye level with standing companions
  • weight is supported by the seat with no stress on the lower body
  • handle bars provide additional support
  • feet remain on the ground keeping users stable and safe
Given that it seems more like a bike than a walker, I asked if users had any trouble taking it into museums and public buildings. Barbara told me that it is designed to have a smaller footprint than a wheelchair, so it can go anywhere a wheelchair can. One museum in the Netherlands caused some trouble at first (she says that the Dutch "are very conservative") but they all accept it now.
Alinker foldedAlinker folded/ Lloyd Alter/CC BY 2.0
It also folds up quickly and easily, small enough to fit into a Toyota Yaris or a Smart Car.
It is a lot more efficient and easier to use than a walker, too. One Vancouver user says, "I always have a smile on my face when I’m on it and it’s such a great feeling! Instead of sitting in the wheelchair and feeling a lot more disabled, this makes me feel like I’m on my way to becoming healthy again. I can just take it anywhere.” Inventor Barbara uses it herself: " I have suffered from back pain myself for many years, especially when running, so I use the Alinker because it allows me to run with my partner and friends."
TreeHuggers will also appreciate that Alinker has partnered with Tree Sisters, and plants 50 trees for every Alinker produced.
There is so much to love about this. When people lose the ability to walk easily, it is the start of a downward spiral of declining health and fitness. The Alinker takes a serious load off the legs and is serious fun to ride, kind of like I imagine Karl von Drais felt when he invented the Laufmaschine 201 years ago.
This really is a revolutionary alternative for people of all ages, who could be whizzing down the bike lanes, going faster and farther than they could before. It is a "socially inclusive solution for those who want to stay in the game." Get more information and order online at Alinker. Available in three sizes and any color you want, as long as it is yellow.
I interviewed Barbara Alinka and apologize for the loud music in the background and for being so in her face, because of loud music in background.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Ecotricity - The World’s First Green Electricity Company

How I Serve

I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, 

innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… 

e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…

for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. 

I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, 

the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, 

aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, 

and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, 

inventing, and doing, great things.

The 411: Keeping Bugs Happy and Populating Too!

Found on: - https://www.treehugger.com/corporate-responsibility/ecotricity-launches-wind-and-solar-powered-cell-phone-network.html

Ecotricity launches wind- and solar-powered cell phone network
ecotalk's ecologist photo
© Ecotricity
And profits will go to giving land back to nature.
It's not often that a marketing video for a mobile phone network talks about wildflower meadows and land management practices, but Ecotalk isn't your average mobile phone network. Founded by UK-based renewable energy company Ecotricity—which has brought us collapsing smokestacksvegan biogas and some cool urban wind turbines—Ecotalk offers a wind and solar powered cell phone network with no exit fees, 30 day rolling contracts, and a promise to channel profits into giving land back to nature.
And that's where the land management stuff comes in.
You see, the UK has lost 97% of its flower-rich grasslands since the 1930s, and insect populations have suffered as a result. Ecotricity has already been buying up farm fields and exploring new, more nature-friendly management practices. In 2004, for example, it planted a new woodland with 20,000 trees for each of its first 20,000 customers near its first wind turbine in Lynch Knoll, Gloucestershire, leaving another 20 acres to be managed as grassland. (The company has also focused on bee-friendly wind and solar farms.)
Now Ecotalk is stepping up that commitment, working with charities like Buglife, Natural England, Friends of the Earth and The Wildlife Trust to identify and purchase pollinator-friendly wildlife habitats which will eventually form a network of ecosystems across the country.
Not bad for a mobile phone network.

To green energy company

In 2010 we introduced the concept of green gas to Britain and in the process we evolved into a fully-fledged green energy company. It’s a pretty revolutionary idea – that we can make our own gas and put it into the national gas grid.

Our model

We operate a unique model. We use our customers’ energy bills to fund the building of new sources of green energy. We like to refer to this as turning ‘bills into mills’ – energy bills into windmillssunmills and - soon - gasmills. We’re a not-for-dividend company – our profits go back into our mission.
With no shareholders to answer to, we’re free to dedicate ourselves to the task of building new sources of green energy. And we share the benefits of our work through our ecobonds – giving people the chance to share the financial benefits of the green energy revolution.

Energy is the key

Electricity is the biggest single source of carbon emissions in Britain – but it’s not the only one, of course. The big three are energy, transport and food, between them accounting for 80% of all of our personal carbon footprints. The one thing they have in common is that energy plays a vital role in them all. That’s why we extended our work beyond the boundaries of traditional energy companies.
In transport, we built the Nemesis, Britain’s first electric super car – to demonstrate how cars of the future could actually be wind powered. Next came our Electric Highway, the world’s first national network of car charging stations - to kick-start the electric car revolution in Britain.
On the food front, stay tuned for news of our wind powered tractor and farm energy concepts.

Green Britain

We do all this in pursuit of our vision for a Green Britain – a place in which we all live more sustainable lives and where ethical business is the norm, pursuing outcomes other than profit. And we do it all with the support of our customers.

Dale Vince
Dale Vince OBE, Ecotricity founder

The Virtual Power Plant
The Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is the future of energy in Britain. It’s a way for businesses and generators to help make a more stable, greener grid – and to benefit financially too.

What is a Virtual Power Plant?
It’s a digital control system that wirelessly connects thousands of businesses, energy generators and energy storage systems across Britain – what we call ‘assets’.

The Virtual Power Plant monitors the energy grid and makes small adjustments to these assets – better balancing supply and demand. The result of this is a more stable grid and better energy efficiency.

How does the Virtual Power Plant (VPP) work?
The adjustments are small. For example, when demand on the grid is high, this could mean wirelessly lowering air conditioning or dimming lights for just sixty seconds. But with thousands of businesses plugged in, it makes a big difference.

The changes happen in the background, so there’s no disruption to day-to-day activities – but the businesses involved benefit from lower energy bills and a revenue share for being part of the VPP.

How does VPP work for you?
For businesses
Think of it as having a remote energy manager whose sole mission is to improve your business energy usage. You may not see any changes to your usage at all – but you’ll still benefit from lower energy bills and a revenue share.

The process is simple. We simply attach a wireless box to your meters, then our central control system sends commands and scheduling signals to the boxes – increasing or reducing energy when it might benefit the grid and you.

For energy generators
It’s the same principle: we simply reduce your generation at certain periods when the grid is full, or increase your generation if the grid’s low.

You’ll still get a generation payment, plus the added benefit of revenue share payments for being part of the VPP.

You can find out more about solar power and wind energy generation here.

For energy storage systems
We’ll remotely charge or discharge your battery at optimal moments to maximise the battery’s revenue generation – and, importantly, maximise its life.

And of course, you’ll get revenue share payments too.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Button Street - New Haven Community Solar

How I Serve

I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, 

innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… 

e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…

for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. 

I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, 

the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, 

aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, 

and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, 

inventing, and doing, great things.

The 411:  Investment Opportunity - Solar and Socially Responsible Design

Found on: - https://www.startengine.com/new-haven-community-solar

Community Solar Starts With You

Invest in New Haven Community Solar

Do you want your investment to influence positive change? Do you care about the environmental and social impacts of your investment? Are you frustrated by traditional investment pathways? If so, New Haven Community Solar could be just the investment you are looking for...

New Haven Community Solar will finance  a 9.24 kW community solar project located on Button Street in New Haven, Connecticut. The lot on Button Street is the site of this year's annual Jim Vlock First Year Building Project – a partnership between the Yale School of Architecture (YSoA) and Columbus House. Columbus House is a nonprofit organization based in New Haven that serves people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing shelter and housing and by fostering their personal growth and independence. Once the power purchase contracts are finalized, this project will provide Columbus House access to low-cost electricity to further their mission.

Unique among architecture schools, the Jim Vlock First Year Building Project, which began in 1967, gives Yale students an opportunity to design and build a house in an economically challenged neighborhood in New Haven. The program is mandatory for all first-year graduate students in YSoA, many who arrive at Yale with a special interest in socially responsible design.

Once complete, the Button Street House will contain two units, and provide recently homeless people with a brand new home. New Haven Community Solar is a company that exists to finance a solar array on the roof, providing its residents with cheap renewable energy in a state with one of the highest electricity costs. This project aims to improve the livelihoods of the residents and minimize environmental impacts, while allowing investors to benefit.
Franz Hochstrasser

The Button Street House

The house that will host the NHCS solar array is currently under construction, with a move-in date scheduled for October 1st. The project that New Haven Community Solar will finance ,once the funds are raised and the contracts are finalized, is a solar photovoltaic array that is designed to be a 9.24 kW solar array on top of the house on Button Street. The house is the site of the annual Yale School of Architecture Jim Vlock Building Project, which is in partnership with Columbus House.

The Project

The company plans to finance  a 9.24 kW community 
solar project for the Button 
Street House, and anticipates earning returns through a 
long-term contract to sell 
discounted electricity to Columbus House, which is 
currently still in the final 
negotiation stage.  Additionally, future revenue may be 
generated through the sale 
of the project, through monetization of tax-credits, or 
through selling renewable 
energy credits from the clean energy generated by the 
solar array.

This project will provide Columbus House access to 
low-cost electricity to further 
their mission. We believe this project will result in 
inexpensive power being 
provided to lower income residents in a state with one 
of the highest energy costs 
in the United States. In addition to providing 
environmental benefits, this project 
frees up much needed income for its beneficiaries. 
In a society where income is the 
greatest social determinant of health, we believe that 
this project will have 
significant health-oriented co-benefits as well. We will 
document environmental, 
social and financial impacts carefully to steward your 
investment with the 
utmost integrity and transparency.

The Investment

Do you want to fight climate change? The clean infrastructure of the future is being built right now. Do you want to own a piece?

Renewable energy infrastructure is only going to grow in coming years. An estimated one trillion dollars of investment in renewable infrastructure is needed every year to achieve the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement on climate change. 

Until recently, only people with access to a lot of money could own and earn money from solar projects. NHCS offers the opportunity to benefit from solar to everyday people, while also bringing benefits to people in the community.

In addition to the opportunity to own a part of this project, there are significant environmental and social benefits to investing in this project.

By financing this solar array, you will enable New Haven Community Solar to significiantly defray the energy costs for the residents. This can make a big difference to low-income individuals, especially in the state of Connecticut where energy prices are among the highest in the country.

Preliminary estimates suggest that the New Haven Community Solar array on Button Street will cut carbon pollution and dangerous air pollution, and will provide environmental benefits that are the equivalent of planting an acre of trees. These benefits will be carefully measured and reported to the investors.

Our Passion for the Project

Together, we bring a combined 30 years of professional experience working on environmental, energy, and climate change issues, from government, to non-profits and the private sector.

Our team is comprised of experienced professionals with a track-record of delivering results on a wide-variety of projects and programs. We are also recent graduates of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies with a renewed mission to combat climate change and fight for social justice through entrepreneurial solutions. We are relentlessly passionate about using financial technology to democratize the ownership of renewable energy, create new income streams, reduce greenhouse emissions, and empower communities to drive change.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

WaterGen - Turning Air into Drinking Water

How I Serve

I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, 

innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… 

e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…

for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. 

I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, 

the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, 

aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, 

and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, 

inventing, and doing, great things.

The 411:  Tapping into our Atmosphere for Water

Found on: - http://www.water-gen.com/

Water-from-air for a better world

Fresh drinking water continues to be humanity’s biggest challenge.  Our atmosphere is the world’s primary source of fresh water. The air around us is the solution, and Watergen’s innovative technology taps into that unlimited resource.

As the global leader in the development and implementation of water-from-air solutions our cutting-edge and patented technology provides a low-cost, abundant, and renewable source of fresh and clean drinking water by extracting it directly from the atmosphere. Watergen’s solution is a game changer that will improve quality of life and health as well as save lives. Watergen’s water generators produce the safest, cleanest, and fresh-tasting drinking water and can potentially service billions around the world. Watergen’s products are suitable for every community size from cities, villages, commercial centers, schools, and hospitals to offices, residential buildings, and private homes.

Our vision and mission

Our vision:

Watergen’s humanitarian vision is to ensure the right of every man, woman, and child to have access to fresh, clean, and safe drinking water.

Our mission:

To use state of the art technology to provide humanity with a new and renewable source of high-quality drinking water, made out of air, that can be available anywhere, immediately and at a reasonable cost.

Watergen has developed unique and advanced technologies to extract fresh water directly from the air, our most abundant water source, using innovate GENius™ technology. GENius™ is the world’s first and most energy-efficient Water-From-Air module of its kind (efficiency-size-cost ratio), generating water at ₵2/liter or 250Wh/L.

Among the advantages of this technology are:

Can be easily scaled up or down to any size required. Each 1⁄2 a meter produces about 2 liters/hour
Produces 4-5 times more water per kW
Small size. Can replace other heat exchangers currently installed

Low-cost structural materials

Solution for cities:

A family requires only 20 liters per day for drinking while the average overall water consumption of a family, can sum to 300–500 liters per day (for showers, laundry, dishwashing).

In cities or areas where the municipal water system is, either not safe for drinking, or the water quality is inconsistent, Water-Gen’s Large Scale solution, can offer a water source separation concept.

By installing a Large Scale unit on roof-tops of commercial or residential buildings, we can create safe and renewable, local drinking water reservoirs, servicing each building directly using simple and independent water infrastructure system, that delivers fresh drinking water directly to the family’s kitchen sink, while using the municipal water for all other uses.

This concept, if adopted on a wide scale, can offer a decentralization of the city’s water infrastructure, creating citywide renewable water reservoirs, making it much more robust and independent.

Large scale water generation at night:

In most countries, during the night, electricity costs plummet due to off-peak rates.

Atmospheric conditions are also preferable for water generation, because the air is colder with higher relative humidity, requiring less energy to extract.

By selectively operating Watergen’s Large Scale AWG during the night, we can create a dual synergy that can drastically reduce water generation costs.


ERV is a customized heavy-duty truck with Atmospheric Water Generator


Highly mobile
Designed for emergency situations and natural disasters
Produces water in areas with no potable water source

Dispenses water in areas both with and without an operating electric grid
Fast and easy deployment in most weather conditions, remote areas and difficult to access locations
Indoor and outdoor usage

Ideal for long term sustainable water generation throughout all phases of emergency and crisis response

Water From Air Home Appliance:

The GENNY is small water from air generator that provides renewable source of clean and fresh drinking water for homes and offices. Requiring no infrastructure but electricity, it is a plug-and-drink solution that can be installed in minutes anywhere, eliminating the daily dependency on bottled water. Employing state of the art, multi stage, Ozone based, water purification and circulation system, ensures water quality at premium levels, keeping water cool and fresh.

The system uses robust air filtration process, designed to operate at high air pollution conditions, that vents ultra clean dry air back into the room. Ideal for families, the GENNY provides a secure and reliable water source, regardless of the quality or availability of the municipal water system.


Generates 25-30 liters of clean fresh water every day
Plug and drink solution – requiring no infrastructure but electricity. Can be easily installed anywhere
Ideal for house-holds and offices that relay on bottled water

Generates clean, safe and abundant water at ~₵2-4/liter or 250Wh/L

Air purification – as part of the water generation process, the GENNY purifies the room’s air, venting clean fresh air – ideal for cities with heavy air pollution.D
Dries the room like a dehumidifier. Drier air means less energy invested in A/C

Complies with all required standards – World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Renew = Retirees + Tech + Healthcare Navigation and Information

How I Serve

I search for emerging companies, technologies, disruptive technologies, 

innovations, start-ups and up-starts. I’ll look to match potential problems… 

e.g. “plastic pollution” to solutions… e.g. 3D Printer for recycled plastic waste…

for potential venture capitalists, angel investors, and online funders. 

I’ll also highlight a variety of topics including funding success stories, 

the environment, housing, medical, artificial intelligence, science, 

aging populations, disabled populations, social entrepreneurs, philanthropy, 

and topical news. I’m always searching for great people innovating, 

inventing, and doing, great things.

The 411:  Millennials Helping Seniors Navigate the Next Chapter of Their Lives

Found on: - https://www.builtinla.com/company/renew


Hello, We're Renew

Retirement shouldn’t be a full-time job. That’s why Renew creates innovative content & tools that simplify the complex decisions retirees face. Our ultimate goal? To be the premier destination for the 10,000+ people who retire each day. With a first-of-its-kind Medicare shopping engine and a rapidly growing online community, we're well on our way.

We’re committed to improving the entire retirement experience. We know you use technology and don’t want to be talked to like you’re on death’s door. Our goal is to take the stress out of retirement, and help a new generation of retirees who aren’t satisfied with the way things are.

We’re modernizing the retirement experience for a new generation:

Retirement today isn’t what it used to be, and we see an opportunity to become the premiere destination for the next big wave of retirees. Today’s retiree is plugged in, active, and digitally savvy. They’re looking for help, and we want to provide it — by using innovative technology to build clear and simple, yet powerful, tools.

The problem:

Over 10,000 people turn 65 every day, facing many critical decisions as they retire. Benefits departments focus on current employees, but have limited resources to support those going through the retirement transition. Left on their own, today’s retiree has to navigate a complex landscape of ads, brokers, and government websites.

Our solution:

Renew is building the virtual benefits department for retirees. Using modern technology, we will help our users manage their health, wealth, and time in a way that fits seamlessly into their lives. We started with a health benefits platform in California, and we’re expanding to cover more aspects of retirement for people across the U.S.

At Renew, we believe retiring shouldn’t be a full-time job. Fixing it is. Our team is well-suited to the challenge. We have years of experience building consumer-focused solutions for top tech and healthcare companies, including Oscar Health, Google, Microsoft, McKinsey, Hunch, eBay, Tag, and The New York Times. While we definitely work hard, we don’t take our beachside environs for granted. In everything we do, we aim to be as humble and grounded as we are driven and ambitious.

Our vision has attracted investment from Venrock, Nyca, and Expa (founded by Uber co-founder Garrett Camp), and took shape in our first product launch – a technology-driven retirement transition engine.

Get your retirement questions answered:

Retirement is one of the best times of your life. But before you start enjoying it, you have to make a lot of tough decisions. And with all the complex and conflicting information out there, it can be tough to figure out what’s best for you.

Dive in with our Quick-start Retirement Guide, which breaks down major topics like health, money, and time. We also put together five essential questions you should ask yourself as you prepare for the next phase of your life. Like all of our resources, it’s stress-free (and free-free), and there is no obligation to enroll in a plan. You’ve got nothing to lose by adding our Quick Start Guide to your retirement toolkit.

The future of retirement: Meet a senior software engineer behind Renew’s proprietary tech platform

FEBRUARY 22, 2018

As more and more baby boomers prepare to retire, the relative lack of a comprehensive, tech-based tool to help retirees manage all aspects of their retirement is becoming increasingly obvious. Founded in 2016 by Kevin Nazemi, a co-founder of healthcare disruptor Oscar Health, and Tony DeGangi, formerly of Hunch and eBay, Venice-based Renew is a platform that helps retirees stay updated on everything from health insurance to wealth management.

Recently, Built In LA spoke with Mike Verderese, a senior software engineer for the startup — which was recently named to Built In LA's 50 Startups to Watch in 2018 — about being first to market, the dynamics of the engineering team and what LA has that New York City can’t offer.

Renew Disneyland trip

What attracted you to Renew?

I’ve been doing software development for about eight years now, and the part I love most about it is that I can build just about anything from a blank screen. Up until Renew, I had mostly been building silly consumer products that weren’t really making a difference. Working at Renew was a chance to build something that could help people at one of the most confusing and vulnerable times in their lives. I also had worked with Tony DeGangi, our CTO, for a few years, so I had a lot of trust in him.

Renew is one of the first companies to create a tech platform to improve the retirement process. What’s it like being part of a team addressing challenges that will affect millions of people?

Working in a space that has been generally devoid of tech startups has given us a big advantage in being industry shapers, as opposed to industry followers. We’re building a really unique platform that is unlike most of the current solutions. At the same time, we have to work with companies that are not necessarily used to working with tech startups, so it’s been an incredible learning process for us as well as them.